Losing hair is a common phenomenon we all go through. But it becomes a major issue when it doesn’t grow back at the same speed that we are losing them. Also, hair thinning and hair loss can affect one’s confidence and severely affect the lifestyle. If you’re experiencing hair loss, you may be wondering what’s […]
Steps you must follow Before and after Hair Transplant | Instructions

What you can expect before and after a hair transplant. Extensive hair loss leading to bald patches on the scalp takes a heavy toll on one’s self-esteem. While some people choose to live with it and do nothing about it; others, who are concerned with their looks, go out on a hunt looking […]
Best Hair Care Tips During Monsoon

Monsoon has arrived, and you might be waiting for this season from a very long time, but some people couldn’t take the joy of playing under the rain due to increased chances of hair fall in this season. Monsoon is here, and so is the frizziness. The most problem causing season for your hair is […]